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!ISCA'19 論文メモ
ISCA'19の論文が読めるようになってたのでいくつか. >>>論文読み

:: Full-Stack, Real-System Quantum Computer Studies: Architectural Comparisons and Design Insights
Scafolledで種々のQuantum Computer向けに最適な実装するフルスタックツールチェインTriQ.
* Our work performs a full-stack, benchmark-driven hardwaresoftware analysis of QC systems.
* TriQ, to conduct real-system measurements on seven running QC prototypes from three different groups, IBM, Rigetti, and University of Maryland.
** TriQ, which allows us to start from QC programs written in a C-like high-level language
* Contributions
** First, we perform the first multi-platform comparison of QCs from different vendors, built with different device technologies.
** Second, to support our cross-platform studies, we have developed and will open-source the first multi-vendor QC compiler which compiles from high-level languages to multiple real-system QC prototypes, with device specific optimizations.
** Third, our evaluation offers architectural insights for future QC systems.
** Fourth, our compilation approach melding device specificity with a common core toolflow offers very good results;

::Master of None Acceleration: A Comparison of Accelerator Architectures for Analytical Query Processing
* We find that the heterogeneous and homogeneous accelerators are equivalent for large designs, while for small designs the homogeneous is better.
* In total, there are 43 instructions in the homogeneous ISA
* the Q100 maximum operating frequency is higher (1100MHz) than that of the homogeneous design (950 MHz).